Reaction types

Reaction type is the elementary mechanism of one individual reaction step in multi-step chemical reaction. Reaction type f(Cr, Cp) describes dependence of the reaction rate for individual reaction step on the concentrations of reactant Cr and product Cp for this step.

For single-step process the reaction type is the function of degree of conversion α, where α is the concentration of product and (1-α) id the concentration of reactant.

Examples of reaction types:

Fn: n-th order reaction f(α)=(1- α)n

Cmn: reaction with autocatalysis:  f(α)= (1- α)n (1+K*αm)

Avrami nucleation: f(α)=n*(1- α)*[-ln(1- α)](n-1)/n


Number of kinetic parameters is different for different reaction types.